Experience with FAJESU
Students' comments
"KOSKO is a project which join people (future teachers) through the INTERNET. With KOSKO we can know more about other
people and their culture, and best, at the same time we can practice our skills in the English language. Besides, we can
exchange messages with students from other countries.
This project promotes interaction and that stimulates the student`s development as a whole.
I believe that KOSKO must be extended to all the terms, because it would be more profitable and fruitful.
Certainly, KOSKO add much to my knowledge. In my opinion, the most important thing to me was noticing that I can learn
helping my classmates.
I thank the teachers Almerinda Garibaldi and Kristin Brown for I had the pleasure of participating of a project so bright
and productive."
By Simone Gomes
"KOSKO is a new and interactive project. It is interesting because it searches, besides learning, socialization
with people from all over the world. It was a quite pleasure experience. Through this project, I could notice what globalizationreally
There were some personal limitations regarding my difficulties in understanding new expressions and vocabulary. Sometimes,
even in the dictionaries, I could not find them."
By Luciana Barbosa
"The use of tecnology in the classroom is very important, because it permits the students to develop critical sense
and enhance their ideas when they are in a new environment different from the normal classroom with the teacher, board and
marker. When we of the classroom the can discover new things.
It becomes much more important when we have teachers well prepared and capable to guide the work that was what happened
with the L7N group."
By Jeane
"I have some reasons to say that it was quite important to take part at KOSKO: having the opportunity to use the
computer lab with the teacher and the classmates and having the chance of practicing writing and reading in English with
my classmates collaboration.
In the beginning, we thought it was something without sense or even wast of time. However in our second meeting we could
start reading our messages and send our answers. Then, we were certain that we were exchanging ideas and ideals. "
By William
"I could exchange ideas on professional issues and thoughts about the future. In the first tow meetings I was kind
of lost. However, little by little I could understand the system and everything was all right."
By Regineide
"The collaborative on-line projects like KOSKO makes us to belierve that interactive/distant education is possible
and pleasurable. This kind of activity makes us to reflect on better forms of teaching."
By Leila
"Our participation at KOSKO makes us to understand that we should be always open to learn culture and to learn from
new experiences. With KOSKO, it was possible to to make new friends with people from other countries. It also helped us in
the comprehension of the English language and vocabulary. The language, even only written is the main means of communication
among the human beings. "
By Alessandra Maria
"During the meetings in the lab, reading the messages, I have seen that despite of all the cultural and economic
differences between American and Brazilian students (future teachers), all of us think of being good professionals.
I was quite surprised by the interest of the Americans regarding Paulo Freire. I knew he was well known in Chile and
in other european countries, but I have not known that he was considered in the US."
By Hericsen
"... we feel that it makes much difference to have the opportunity to exchange ideas and culture with people from
other countries. We notice that our country has to grow technologically due to offer to everybody the access to all these
resources so that they can learn by practicing and using the computer. "
By Lucimar